In this blog I have already wrote about things that make me happy I.e a flash of a young ladies breast, family, people having bad shit happen to them, Cheryl Cole with her face on fire and beautiful women acknowledging my existence, I thought it would only be natural to write about things that FUCK ME OFF.
Somethings in life irk me, as a rule I do not like being irked, in fact being irked is right up there with snapping my banjo and googling “BLUEWAFFLE” as things that I do not like. (google it with the adult filter off, I dare you) Just like the A to Z of perversity and Joy, this will be added to every so often when they occur to me. To start with lets start with a good one, something that gets on my tits every time I see it.
In this day and age there is no good reason why dogshit should be on the street. It is disgusting pure and simple. Can anyone like to inform me why people let there dogs shit on the street, don't bother, I already know. It is because they are subhuman scum and deserved to be euphanased and then ironically used as dog food. If you have not got the fucking mental faculty to clean up after your mutt you do not frankly deserve to draw another breath. How fucking dare you let you mutt pollute the fields, streets and playgrounds where our children play and let them run the risk of catching Toxicariasis. Is it because you have no moral compass and think of solely yourself, is it because your uncle peter bathed you and told you that you would sink if he took his thumb out, or is it that you are too fucking lazy to pick it up, put it in a plastic bag and dispose of it properly. God! I hate dogshit. Bollocks to Peter Kay talking about white furry dogshit, its all bad.
Saying that, I just reminded myself of a story concerning dogshit. It happened whilst I was at school, there was a lad, lets call him, “Mick” he was a right fucking swot and actually brought a briefcase to school with him (I shit you not). This briefcase over the coarse of the third year became rather tattered and torn. In physics we where just learning about how things emitted set amounts of discrete energy when they burned. I cannot remember how it came about but our class idiot brought some dogshit into class, ( I think it was on his shoe but I cannot properly remember) Some enterprising and bored individual decided to wrap some of this dogtoffee in foil and heat it up with a bunsen burner. The smell was outrageous, nothing, and I fucking mean nothing, has ever twatted my nostrils with such venom. As you know I appreciate a good fart but this smell was not fuckin cricket. Dog shit is appalling at the best of times, but heat it up and Oh My God. In a frenzied state of panic someone hit this foil with a ruler and it flew off and believe it or not got lodged in a hole in the briefcase. Well, the classroom was emptied and the briefcase was took outside and took care of. A letter home to all the people involved was the result of that.
More subhuman scum, but these have comedy value. There is actually a website that list's Hyde. Everyone has seen them, on a street corner, hanging around the local off licence or huddled together outside the benefits office. There is something fundamentally comical about someone who wears clothes so absurd they would make a blindman blush, who talk in a jive so ludicrous they make my farts seem like a Shakespearean monologue. They take themselves sooo fucking serious as well, they are worse than Goths and Emo's. At least there are some attractive Goths and emo's. Chavs look like unwashed shitclots that have crawled up from the nearest sewer. I have wrote a simple questionnaire to ascertain if in fact you are a chav.
1 Where in the following are you most likely to shop?
A Tesco
B Clone Zone
C Asda
D Shop? I fuckin nick it!
2 What make of clothes are you more likely to wear?
A Benson and Clegg bespoke suit
B Doe hide leather gimp suit, black 28 gauge latex buttplug, nippleclamps and a inverted spike cockring.
C Black jeans, Whitesnake T-shirt, cowboy boots and a bullet belt
D Fake addidas shell-suit and Burberry cap
3 Your first thought when told you have £10k to spend
A Give it to my gardener as a early xmas tip.
B Fuck off to Thailand to fuck yourself mental with sexually ambiguous ladyboys
C Have a delirium induced breakdown, Go on a three week bender spending it all on whores, coke and booze.
D You become giddy and sexually excited about blinging your wheels out with some “phat hubs”
4 What is your preferred foot attire?
A Some nice Italian calf leather loafers
B high heels on a sat night for the show
C The skin of your dead mother
D White Reebok Classic
5 Who is your dream girl?
A Elizabeth hurley
B Gary “ratboy” Neville
C Lorraine Kelly
D Jordan or Cheryl Cole.
6 Who would you class as your ideal role model
A Gordon Grecko
B Michael Barrymore
C John Wayne
D Dappy
7 Do you wash?
A Of course! You silly man.
B Yup, nescafe enema every morning
C yes, three times a day, whether I need it or not
D Eh?
8 What does the word curious mean to you?
A I am curious whether the drop in the euro interest rate will affect my holdings in sweden
B I hope my new workmate is
C I am curious if I can actually wank myself daft
D What the fuck does that mean? Innit.
9 What is your dream career?
A Trader on the stockmarket
B Hairdresser/catholic priest
C James Bond
D Jeremy Kyle contestant
10 What is your favourite meal?
A Seared scallops from bay of Biscay, pickled veal liver in a merlot and truffle sauce.
B Some nice canapés with a babycham
C Tikka chicken sashlick on a garlic nan, hot sauce, no salad and 6 cans of wife beater.
D Pot Noodle
If your scored mostly A's you are a toff and need to be brought down a peg or two, its wankers like you in our banking system that is costing me more tax whist getting less for my council tax. Its cretins like you who is taking police off the street so drug dealers, chavs and dog walkers can pollute and rule our streets. Fuck you! I hope you experience the heartache and misery abject poverty brings to families. Have you lost your home because of someone losing their jobs? Fuck no! You laugh at us poor people. I despise you and every crooked capitalist bone in your body.
B's. You, my friend are most probably a bit “fruity”. You are what is known in some circles as “Good with colours”or “knows whats in his flowerbeds”. If not, you are definitely a bit “sexually adventurous”. Just hope you are more John Barrowman than Graham Norton. I cannot stand Graham Norton, he has took being camp and milked the same joke for the last 15 years. John Igman and Julian Clary have done it to much better affect than him. The cunt.
C's You are mister/misses normal, you have infrequent bouts of madness but overall you are quite normal.
D's You are a chav. You are the bottom of the evolutionary ladder, in fact you have devolved into something less than human. You have took the stigma of being a educationally challenged, sponge on society and embarrassment to your family into a point of pride. For you getting an ASBO is more sexually exciting than sniffing your finger having first touched a ladies naughty bits. Even Goths and Emo's have more social standing than the parasite that you aspire to be.
So all in all, if you are a chav, you are a scabrous vaginal discharge, you are basically the dregs of humanity. You admittedly have some comedy value but to be honest you could do with being rounded up with all your other stupid and ghastly chav buddies, herded in a field and then napalmed.